"...millions of Ukrainians staged nationwide nonviolent protests that came to be known as the "Orange Revolution"-the victory of the Ukrainian people over their country's corrupt leadership"
What amazing time in their post-communist history! Aaron and I were lucky enough to be in Ukraine the summer after the elections, summer of 2005, and all of our new Ukrainian friends wanted us to know all about this experience. They wanted us to look at pictures, slides, and to truly understand! We may not have been able to truly understand, because we have never experienced anything like that, but we will never forget.
Now, I want to draw your attention to what is being called "The Twitter Revolution". Iran's Twitter Revolution. As Ahmadinejad and his regime shut down forms of Iran's communication with the outside world, the people and reporters turn desperately to Twitter. Some of them are risking their lives, not just to protest their government or its present system, but to make sure that the people outside it's borders-us-that we know what is happening.
Watch and pray my friends. Watch and pray.
May we be like "sons of Issachar, men who understood the times". 1 Chron. 12:32
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