Thursday, July 09, 2009

Ten Greatest Hits

1) Luke's voice singing songs with the lyrics of "lead me on precious Lord" or "I don't wanna go one more day without your all-consuming passion inside of me". so special

2) The Missions Trip to MS!

3) A friend thinking of us upon going out of town and dropping off bunches of perishables on her way out.

4) Clothes at my doorstep, this time for me...

5) Uncle Spray's great visit!

6) Aaron being able to go to a Cubs game with Uncle Spray

7) Being able to get out of the house full of men briefly during the visit-thanks guys

8) People who read my blog-good to know that someone does.

9) Fitting in my pre-baby jeans again-yyyeessss!

10) Cherry cream pie...oh, wait, no-I meant, the Fourth of July. Independence Day. A great holiday, the reason we have Cherry cream pie....


Ashley said...

I love when people give us unexpected "happies". =)
Mission trip to MS? Do tell more.
I definitely LOVE the first one. My favorite person to sit next to during church is my little brother, Caleb, because it is so sweet to hear a child lifting up their voice to praise Jesus. It is a worship experience in and of itself. :)

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