Progressing on with our Big Boy, we have moved out of the high chair as well as the crib! But instead of getting a booster seat, we saw this chair booster and really liked it. Now Luke can sit at the table with us in a big chair, it is a great height. Unless you look down, it isn't noticeable (say for company) and he can't really outgrow it, until he is ready to sit in the chair without it! So its pretty cool. And it is portable. The legs collapse up against each other, it comes with a case, fits on any chair with four legs and literally took 3 minutes to put together. So good product, we have really liked it so far. He can't climb into it, but it does make the chair sturdier. So, good plug by me. :)
And do you see my kid eating like such a big boy?! A place mat, a plate, silverware ("plasticware")! Its great. And when he is finished he says, "All done." and "Thank you." Then he can get down and play. Yeah Luke!
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